Dates for the MogollonRegion
Provisional chronology of southwestern archaeology
Mogollon Pics
Editorial photography, corporate photography and stock photography research by santa barbara, california photographer chuck place.
Prehistoric Desert Peoples
The mogollon were the least densely populated of the major prehistoric
peoples of the southwest tradition. around 200 bc they expanded
into the mountains of southeastern arizona and southwestern new
mexico from the high plateaus of south-central new mexico.
The Basin & Range People
The mogollon had to adapt to the forested mountain ranges and high chihuahuan desert basins of southeastern arizona, southern new mexico, western texas, and northern chihuahua and northern sonora.
Their Magic
The mogollon had to adapt to the forested mountain ranges and high chihuahuan desert basins of southeastern arizona, southern new mexico, western texas, and northern chihuahua and northern sonora.